Köln: 03.–05.09.2024 #kindundjugend

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Koelnmesse Kids trade fairs worldwide | Aussteller auf der Kind + Jugend 2024

Koelnmesse Kids trade fairs worldwide

Koelnmesse Kids trade fairs worldwide
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln
Passage Halle 10 Halle 11 P011

In addition to Kind + Jugend in Cologne, Koelnmesse offers its customers trade fairs in Brazil and Southeast Asia to support the industry in expanding its global business activities.

Pueri Expo in São Paulo/Brazil is the largest trade fair in Latin America for premium baby and childcare products, bringing leading Brazilian and international brand manufacturers together with buyers and retailers from across the region with a carefully targeted approach. In 2023, the successful brand launched Kind + Jugend ASEAN in Bangkok/Thailand, an additional event specially tailored to the emerging Southeast Asian region.

Come to the InfoPoint on the Boulevard in front of the Service Center East, Passage 10/11 and get to know our Kind + Jugend trade fairs abroad, which can create new perspectives for your business.

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